Getting Your Account

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To get started with a ClickUp account, you should have received an email like this from your company or team. If you're setting up ClickUp yourself, you just go to and create an account from there.

But assuming you're part of a team, we'll click Accept invite here. You will be taken to a page like this, where we can enter our name, it's got our email, and we can create a password and we hit join Workspace.

Yes, we agree to join this Workspace. And now answer a question to set our account: Which color do you want ClickUp to display in? Just pick your favorite color. It's only for you. I'm gonna stick with purple. And that's it, let's go.

Now we can jump into our Workspace here. There's a little video from Zeb, the CEO of ClickUp, you can watch that. For now, I'll click 'Get Started'.

There are also a few training videos here, you're welcome to watch those as well, they're short and sweet.

And that's it, you're ready to go to ClickUp.

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